Saturday, June 18, 2011

Welcome Home Surprises and Trinity Sunday

It doesn't seem possible that it is a week since I last posted on this space, but coming back to a busy parish after a two week absence certainly held some surprises.

The first surprise came the moment I arrived at my office to discover that a water tank over the ceiling had burst in my absence -- and of course, since no one was using the office, it went unnoticed for several days, so the water just kept "rolling like a river." Six shelves of books, a dozen 3-ring binders of vestry, school and committee notes were awaiting me with wrinkled pages and smeared ink. The finish on wooden furniture was lifted up, the floor has a new curvature to it . . . Welcome home! This will be a further impetus to clean up and discard . . .

The second surprise came Monday night, when a valve broke in the men's bathroom in the education wing, sending hundreds of gallons of water out the door, down the hallway, and into the area around Huntington Hall, taking down part of a wall and leading to hours of cleanup by Pam and Bert, the only ones there at the time, followed by Steve.

The joys of an old building . . . We are hoping surprises do not come in threes . . .

A reminder that tomorrow is Trinity Sunday and, as has been our practice in the past several years, the date of the Annual Meeting of the Parish of Trinity Church. The is the only Sunday of the year when we change our schedule to one service at 9:30 a.m. so that we can worship together as the assembled Body of Christ and attend to the business of the church. I will deliver my annual report to the Parish during the sermon time in the service. Immediately following the service we will take a 10-15 minute break for refreshments before returning to the Nave for election of new vestry members, reelection of officers, and honoring retiring vestry members.

I hope you will join us for worship and the Annual Meeting beginning at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Have a blessed day!

Your brother in Christ, Don


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