Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fr. Don's Blog Returns

After more than a month of technical difficuilties ( I have posted several blogs that apparently have gone into the ether) I am now reconnected through God's grace and the wonderful talents of Casey Rousseau. Check this space for the weekly Trinity Update tomorrow morning. At this hour, join me in the Church's Goodnight Prayer from the Services of Evening Prayer and Compline:

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ, give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake. Amen.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

In the dog days of summer, God's work goes on . . .

While Debbie and I are enjoying some much anticipated time away with friends at the Delaware shore, and several other staff are away as well, the important work of the Lord continues at Trinity. Bert is busy preparing for the Chorister Summer Course that takes place in two weeks, and continues to interview prospective choristers for this year's program. Steve is busy preparing the buildings for the all of the activity of September, not to mention refinishing floors damaged in the floods of May-June when a water tank sprung a leak. Lynda Curtis is working with all of our teachers and teen leaders in tightening up the curricula and activities for the fall, and the Vestry subcommittee continues its work in helping to better channel the energies of our more than 32 ministry teams at Trinity. Meanwhile, at the Day School, Fr. Johan is hitting the ground running, meeting folks at Trinity and in the wider community and building the infrastructure that will ensure a strong start when we admit students next September.

Many thanks to Rev. Beth Hoffmann who was guest preacher and celebrant this past week. This Sunday our guest celebrant and preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Johan Johnson, newly appointed Founding Head of School for the Trinity Episcopal Day School on Asylum Hill. Johan will be a regular part of the Trinity preaching rota beginning in September. Please welcome him as he celebrates and preaches the Word at Trinity for the first time.

Have a blessed week! Your brother in Christ, Don

Friday, July 22, 2011

Give Someone a Break Today

Okay, so it's 103 degrees and your hair melts in the sun. All you want to do is get to a cool place. But as I was going to the Central Post Office this afternoon, the Spirit led me in another direction.

The lights were out at Jennings Road and Weston Street, and traffic was snarled everywhere! Ugh - another delay. And then I noticed that two Hartford police officers were there in their dark blue uniforms, long pants, standing in the sun on the hot pavement directing the traffic so the rest of us could get where we needed to go. I was glad I didn't have their job! So, when I finished my errand, it occurred to me that since they couldn't take a break, the least I could do is provide some refreshment, so I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts and bought a couple of ice cold bottles of water, walked over to the side of the road, and left them there for the police officers. From the expression on their faces, you would have thought I gave them a hundred dollars! I felt good, and they felt appreciated.

On these hot summer days, let's make it a point to think less of ourselves and be more considerate of others -- especially those whose jobs don't allow them the luxury of air conditioning while they are making our lives better!

Have a blessed day! don

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

As I checked my e-mail this morning, I was greeted by an e-mail from the Rt. Rev. Elias Chakupewa, newly-elected Bishop of Tabora, Tanzania, home of our partner parish, Mbugani Holy Trinity Church. He was recalling being in the United States on July 4, 2008, and seeing the fireworks and what a privilege it was to be here in the home of free societies taking part in our national celebration.

Elias' email is a reminder of how we in the United States continue to be a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, and a reminder of the awesome responsibility we have as Christians in a free society. As we celebrate our independence, let us recall the Collect for Independence Day from our Prayer Book:

Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord,k who lives and reigns with you and the Holy spirit, one god, for ever and ever. Amen.

Have a blessed and safe 4th of July holiday! Don

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Virgin Mary Goes to the Podiatrist!

Well, figuratively. The story is rooted in Trinity's stained glass refurbishment program, which has taken place over the past 7 years. The setting: The teen-aged Jesus teaching in the Temple.

It seems that when the stained glass window depicting the scene was restored a few years ago, there was a particular piece of glass that fit perfectly into it's space whether it was forward, backward, upside down or sideways. That piece happened to have been the Virgin Mary's right foot. We rededicated the refurbished windows after their return, and even prepared a booklet on them for the re-dedication. And then one Sunday, parishioner and choir member John Nowacki pointed out an interesting anomaly: Mary's right foot was backwards! Her toes were connected to her right ankle, and her right heel faced forward. Could it have been the work of a prankster at the factory, or was it a mistake? We will never know.

Several of us, including yours truly, actually thought it might be interesting to leave it that way as a curiosity factor or for a clue on a scavenger hunt. But we are stewards of these very valuable stained glass windows for future generations. So when Stained Glass Resources of Massachusetts arrived on Wednesday to remove some windows in the office building, Mary and her foot and the rest of the cast of characters portrayed in the window were loaded on the truck for the delicate surgical procedure of resecting her right ankle. She is expected to make a full recovery and be able to stand again in about 5 - 7 weeks.

Have a blessed Day! Don

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Welcome Home Surprises and Trinity Sunday

It doesn't seem possible that it is a week since I last posted on this space, but coming back to a busy parish after a two week absence certainly held some surprises.

The first surprise came the moment I arrived at my office to discover that a water tank over the ceiling had burst in my absence -- and of course, since no one was using the office, it went unnoticed for several days, so the water just kept "rolling like a river." Six shelves of books, a dozen 3-ring binders of vestry, school and committee notes were awaiting me with wrinkled pages and smeared ink. The finish on wooden furniture was lifted up, the floor has a new curvature to it . . . Welcome home! This will be a further impetus to clean up and discard . . .

The second surprise came Monday night, when a valve broke in the men's bathroom in the education wing, sending hundreds of gallons of water out the door, down the hallway, and into the area around Huntington Hall, taking down part of a wall and leading to hours of cleanup by Pam and Bert, the only ones there at the time, followed by Steve.

The joys of an old building . . . We are hoping surprises do not come in threes . . .

A reminder that tomorrow is Trinity Sunday and, as has been our practice in the past several years, the date of the Annual Meeting of the Parish of Trinity Church. The is the only Sunday of the year when we change our schedule to one service at 9:30 a.m. so that we can worship together as the assembled Body of Christ and attend to the business of the church. I will deliver my annual report to the Parish during the sermon time in the service. Immediately following the service we will take a 10-15 minute break for refreshments before returning to the Nave for election of new vestry members, reelection of officers, and honoring retiring vestry members.

I hope you will join us for worship and the Annual Meeting beginning at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Have a blessed day!

Your brother in Christ, Don

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Trinity Pilgrims Return Home

So, I have to say it: WE'RE BAA - ACK! Our flight actually arrived at Newark Airport this morning 40 minutes early, and our driver from Kelley Transit Services had checked the website and was there waiting for us after we picked up our baggage. We arrived home in Hartford around 8 a.m. this morning.

Our last day in the Holy Land was a very long one, starting with a walk down to the Old City at 6 a.m. to retrace Jesus steps to the stations of the cross. The early start was to be able to have some level of quiet before the merchants and "commuters" began crowding the narrow streets. Deacon Pat and I led the reflections beginning with a scripture passage at each station, and we concluded the service with a visit inside the Church of the Resurrection, also known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was a very moving experience for all of us.

We then walked back to St. George's guesthouse (logging, by one persons pedometer, 4900 steps before 9 a.m.!) where we enjoyed our last breakfast. While the breakfast buffet at St. George's is basically the same offering each day, there is a remarkable variety to choose from. There are typically two types of deli meat along with sliced cheese; fresh sliced cucumbers and tomatoes; yogurt; hummus; pita bread (the last three being staples at every meal in the Middle East); toast and selection of jellies and jams and honey; granola and corn flakes with milk; a cold tuna salad with celery and other vegetables mixed in; hard boiled eggs; two different blends of Middle Eastern spices; scrambled eggs and smoked sausage (which, if it was in America, would look remarkably like Hebrew National kosher hot dogs). None of us went hungry.

At 9:30 our bus picked us up for the short ride to the Trappist monastery at Latur, not far from on the Jerusalem road, one of the four possible present-day sites of the Biblical city of Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). There we celebrated the Holy Eucharist in the chapel, pictured below, with a brief introduction by Fr. Kamal setting up the spiritual and historical setting for the passage from Luke. This was my second opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist on our trip, the first being at St. Matthew's church in Zababde the previous week, and both are memories I will hold in my heart as very special privileges.

We then returned to St. George's, where several of us took a ride with Fr. Kamal back to Beit Sahour to visit one of the small workshops to see houw the craftsmen make all of the olive wood religious articles that are such popular gifts from the Holy Land. There we met Ashraf Jarayseh who owns the Holy Family Factory and Shop. He showed us the production area and, while we were watching, created a tiny nativity scene using only his jig saw on a piece of raw wood.

Then it was back to St. George's for final packing (using a sort of reverse Loaves and Fishes technique wherein we tried to fit 10 times as much stuff as we had brought back into the same suitcases). Then we had a farewell barbecue put on by the staff at St. George's, featuring several Mediterranean salads, baked potatoes, and barbecued chicken and lamb kebobs, all of which were fabulous. And all washed down with some wine which we had purchased at the Trappist monastery earlier in the morning.

At 7 p.m. sharp we were boarding the bus for our trip to the Ben Gurion International Airport outside Tel Aviv. Our Palestinian bus driver (with Israeli plates on his bus) for some reason drew the attention of a couple of Israeli police who were patroling the highway on this quiet Sabbath eve, and our bus was pulled over at the checkpoint for inspection. The driver's license was taken for review, and I was asked, as the leader of the group, to get off the bus and explain to the security guard the nature of our group, where we had been, what buses we had been on, did I know the driver, did I know everyone on the bus, how long had they been with me, etc., etc., etc. All ended well, and we were permitted to continue on our journey to the airport. The experience, however, highlighted the extent to which issues of security are always floating to the top in the daily life of the people who live in this area.

In the days to come, there will be opportunities to share more of our pilgrimage story and reflections, but for now, after being awake basically for 35 hours, I am going to grab a quick nap. It was a wonderful pilgrimage with a wonderful group of people, but it is always good to be home. Shabbat Shalom, Salaam, Peace, don+